Gimme Some
Beer and whiskey, whiskey and beer
Makes your head start achin', makes your eyes unclear
Makes you spend your money, turns you blind and dumb
Gimme some
Strong tobacco, cigarette smoke
What a dirty habit, makes you damn near choke
Fills your lungs with poison, makes your brain go numb
Gimme some
Will I ever get smart? I doubt it
Tell me somethin's bad and I can't live without it
Pretty women, blue-eyed or brown
How they drive you crazy, how they pull you down
Soon they're fat and happy, you're a worn-out bum
Gimme some, gimme some
Bread and gravy, chicken chow mein
Too much fancy eatin' only brings you pain
Doctor says "Hold on, there! Not another crumb!"
Gimme some
Will I ever get smart? I doubt it
Tell me somethin's bad and I can't live without it
Dice and poker, blackjack and dice
Start to win a little, get to feelin' nice
Bet it all and roll 'em: "Snake eyes! Sorry, chum!"
Gimme some
Beer and whiskey, whiskey and beer
Makes your head start achin', makes your eyes unclear
Makes you spend your money, turns you blind and dumb
Gimme some
Gimme some
Gimme some
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Goin' To California
Well, I'm goin' to California
To stay in New York you got to be right out your mind
Yah, I'm headin' for California
I'm gonna leave all that old hustlin' behind
When I get me to California
I'll get a bongo drum and apricot beret
Oh, when I get to California
I'm gonna grow a beard and poetize away
Some hitch a ride on the highway
("Goin' West, Mister?")
Others zap out in a jet
I just don't care which route I travel
("Whyn't ya grab a subway?")
But California is the place I got to get
So I'm goin' to California
I'm gonna bypass Illinois and all the rest
And I'm aimin' for California
'Cuz the West Coast is the best coast in the West!
Oh, when I got to California
I went to Frisco then I went down to LA
Yah when I got to California
I found that growin' beards and poetry don't pay
So I got stuck in California
I couldn't find a place to stretch at Muscle Beach
I'm stranded in California
And unemployment is upon me like a leech
I guess I'll just start selling houses
I still got a tie and a suit
I've noticed one thing's universal
All hustlers are rakin' up the loot
So I'm stayin' in California
I set a record sellin' houses so ya see
I just can't go from California
'Cuz they're gonna name a city after me
("Let's call it Travis City!"
"Let's call it Budville!"
Let's call it Bud this!"
Let's call it off!")
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The Golden Apples Of The Sun
I went into the hazel wood
Because a fire was in my head
I cut and peeled a hazel wand
And hooked a berry to a thread
And when white moths were on the wing
And moth-like stars were flickering out
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout
And when I layed it on the bank
And gone to blow the fire aflame
Then something rustled on the floor
And someone called me by my name
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossoms in her hair
Who called me by name and ran
And vanished in the brightening air
Though I am old from wandering
Through quiet lands and hilly lands
I will find out where she is gone
And hold her mouth, and take her hands
And walk through long green dappled grass
And pluck till time and time is done
The silver apples of the moon
The golden apples of the sun
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Guess I'll Go Home
She's the butterfly in my cottonwood tree
She's a cool sip of cider in the sun
She's a bluebird's wing, she's the song I sing
When my day is done
She doesn't know she sets my heart to singin'
And I don't guess she even cares
'Cuz other fellas hold her hand at dances
And other fellas walk her on the square
One bought her a ribbon
One bought her a comb
I can't buy her nothin'
So I guess I'll go home
But I could give her the diamonds in the morning dew
Or the gold in a field of corn
Or the pearls of light in the stars at night
Before the day is born
If only I could tell her how I'm feelin'
If only she would listen to my song
I'd think of all the pretty things to tell her
Then she'd know I'd loved her all along
Then she'd walk beside me
And call me her own
But that's just a dream
So I guess I'll go home
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How Long, How Long Blues
Baby how long? Baby how long?
Has that evening train been gone?
Baby how long? How long? Baby, how long?
I may be right, I may be wrong
But I know you're gonna miss me, momma, when I'm gone
So long, baby, so long
I'm gonna lay my head on some lonesome railroad line
And let the 219 pacify my mind
I've been disgusted, I've been so blue
I've been so lonesome thinkin' of you
Baby how long? How long? Baby, how long?
How long? Baby how long? How long?
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I Never Will Marry
One day as I wandered down by the seashore
The wind it did whistle and the waves they did roar
I spied a fair maiden on the cliffs by the sea
And the song she was singing came crying to me
"I never will marry
I'll be no man's wife
I guess I'll stay single
All the days of my life."
Just as I came beside her with a moon soft and low
Straightaway she did vanish in the waters below
Across the white-rippling water
Through the mists on the sea
I could swear I can hear her still crying to me
"I never will marry
I'll be no man's wife
I guess I'll stay single
All the days of my life.
I guess I'll stay single
All the days of my life."
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In The Hills Of Shiloh
Have you seen Amanda Blaine
In the hills of Shiloh?
Wanderin' in the morning rain
In the hills of Shiloh
Have you seen her at her door
Listenin' for the cannons' roar
And a man who went to war
From the hills of Shiloh
Have you heard her mournful cry
In the hills of Shiloh?
Have you seen her haunted eyes
In the hills of Shiloh?
Have you seen her runnin' down
Searchin' through the sleepin' town
In her yellowed wedding gown
In the hills of Shiloh
Have you seen her standin' there
In the hills of Shiloh?
Wind a-blowin' through her hair
In the hills of Shiloh
Listenin' for the sounds of guns
Listenin' for the rollin' drums
And a man who never comes
To the hills of Shiloh
Have you heard Amanda sing
In the hills of Shiloh?
Whisperin' to her wedding ring
In the hills of Shiloh
Hear her singin' soft and low
Poor Amanda doesn't know
'Twas ended forty years ago
In the hills of Shiloh
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It's The Man
They say the woman always pays
That's what the lady always says
Don't let her give you this one if you can
It's the man, it's the man, it's the man
If you take her to a show, you know it costs you lots of dough
She'll ignore you, you will see, and fall in love with Ben Casey
Take her for an auto ride, snuggle up close, side by side
Though you're only shifting gears, she's liable to box your ears
They say the woman always pays
That's what the lady always says
Don't let her give you this one if you can
It's the man, it's the man, it's the man
You walk in with your week's pay
She take one look and then she say:
"I need all this and half a dollar!"
That, my friend, is when you holler!
A man I know says it's the thing
To have a home where you are king
The other night we dropped around
And we were there when he got crowned
They say the woman always pays
That's what the lady always says
Don't let her give you this one if you can
It's the man, it's the man, it's the man
Ever since this world began we've had no chance against woman
No matter how we pick and choose, even when we win we lose
Anyone can plainly see that this old rule is a fallacy
The only time that she will pay, she's spending your dough anyway
They say the woman always pays
That's what the lady always says
Don't let her give you this one if you can
It's the man, it's the man, it's the man
It's the man, it's the man, it's the man
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It Was A Very Good Year
When I was seventeen, it was a very good year
It was a very good year for small-town girls and soft summer nights
We'd hide from the lights, on the village green
When I was seventeen
When I was twenty-one, it was a very good year
It was a very good year for city girls who lived up the stairs
With perfumed hair that would come undone
When I was twenty-one
When I was thirty-five--very good year
It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls
Of independent means, we'd ride in limousines
Their cheuffers would drive
When I was thirty-five
And now the days grow short
I'm in the autumn of my life
And I think of it all as vintage wine from fine old kegs
From the brim to the dregs
It poured sweet and clear
It was a very good year
It was a very good year
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Jenny On A Horse
Back at old Fort Laramy
The darlin' of the cavalry
Was Col. Masters' daughter, Pretty Jenny (Jenny)
Any pony's soldier would give his rank to hold her
Hear 'em cry as she went riding by
"Hey, there goes Jenny on a horse
Jenny on a horse
Lordy, what a sight to see!
Jenny on a horse
Jenny on a horse
Ridin' wild and free."
On a morning in July
Shashawnee war chief Crazy eye
Attacked the fort a-screamin' and a-howlin' (howlin')
The Col. went down fighting
And the men were pretty frightened
They'd have lost their scalps if not for just one gal
That gal was Jenny on a horse
Jenny on a horse
Lordy, what a sight to see!
Jenny on a horse
Jenny on a horse
Ridin' wild and free.
Col. Masters lay near death
An Injun arrow in his chest
All at once he heard the voice of Jenny (Jenny)
Jenny hollered, "Sargeant, saddle up my father's charger!
I'll lead the men to battle, follow me!"
They followed Jenny on a horse
Jenny on a horse
Lordy, what a sight to see!
Jenny on a horse
Jenny on a horse
Ridin' wild and free.
When the smoke of battle cleared
The Injuns all had disappeared
They fled before the soldiers led by Jenny (Jenny)
And unto this very day
You'll hear those pony's soldiers say
In the midst of battle
They have seen the ghost of
Jenny on a horse
Jenny on a horse
Lordy, what a sight to see!
Jenny on a horse
Jenny on a horse
Ridin' wild and free.
Ridin' wild and free.
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Joey, Joey, Joey
Like a perfumed woman
The wind blows in the bunkhouse
Like a perfumed woman, smellin' of where she's been
Like Oregon cherries
Or maybe Texas avacados
Arizona desert
Or Oregon pine
She blows in and she sings to me
'Cuz I'm one of her own
She sings
Joey, Joey, Joey
Joey, Joey Joe
You've been too long in one town
Now it's time to go, time to go
Joey, Joey, Joey
Joey, travel on
You've been too long in one little town
Now the harvest time's come and gone
That's what the wind sings to me
When the bunk I've been bunkin' in
Gets to feelin' too soft and cozy
When the grub they've been givin' me
Gets to tastin' too good
When I've seen all I want of the ladies of the neighborhood
Then she sings to me
Joey, Joey, Joey
Joey, Joey Joe
You've been too long in the same place
Now it's time to go, time to go
Joey, time to go
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Let Me Fly
Let me fly (let me fly)
Let me fly (let me fly)
Well, let me fly to Mt. Zion
Lord, Lord
Way up yonder, 'bout tree-top tall
Eagles flyin', but they never fall
Eagles flyin' and sparrows too
Halfway to heaven, now how 'bout you?
Let me fly (let me fly)
Let me fly (let me fly)
Well, let me fly to Mt. Zion
Lord, Lord
Way up yonder in the middle of the air
Angels sittin' on the golden stair
Waitin' there just to give a hand
To the little bird flyin' to the promised land
Let me fly (let me fly)
Let me fly (let me fly)
Let me fly to Mt. Zion
Lord, Lord
Let me fly through the middle of the air
Fly (indiscernable) like the welcome fair
Let me fly from all of my woe
Let me go where the sunlight goes
Let me fly, let me fly
Let me fly, let me fly
Let me fly to Mt. Zion
Lord, Lord
One of these days, and it won't be long
This ol' world's gonna right its wrongs
Sinner man's gonna try his wings
Gonna know the joy that heaven brings
Let me fly (let me fly)
Let me fly (let me fly)
Well, let me fly to Mt. Zion
Lord, Lord
Los Dos
Te seguire hasta al fin de este mundo
Te seguire con este amor profundo
Sola a ti entregare el corazon, me carino y mi vida
Y por nada ni nadie en el mundo ti olvidare
Yo te dare de mi vida el enero
Y tu seras ese farol de luz
Luna de miel para los dos
Siempre seras, mi amor
Y en un sueno vivermos los dos, los dos.
(very special thanks to Don and Victoria Armstrong for this lyric)
Malaguena Salerosa
(w/ English Translation)
Que bonitos ojos tienes
debajo de esas dos cejas (2x)
Que bonitos ojos tienes
Ellos me quieren mirar
pero si tu no los dejas (2x)
ni siquiera parpadear
Malaguena Salerosa
besar tus labios quisiera (2x)
Malaguena Salerosa
y decirte nina hermosa
que eres linda y hechisera (2x)
como el candor de una rosa (2x)
(Last stanza repeated three times, with varying repitition of lines, then end.)
Malaguena Salerosa
What beautiful eyes you have
Underneath your lovely brow (2x)
What beautiful eyes you have
They want to look at me
But you won't let them, you never let them (2x)
Not even a glance
Malaguena Salerosa
I desire so much to kiss your lips (2x)
Malaguena Salerosa
And to call you a beautiful girl
You are as pretty and as enchanting (2x)
As the innocence of a rose
(Last stanza repeated three times, with varying repitition of lines, then end.)
(Very special thanks to Claudia Oliva for the lyric and translation, and for additional translation by Mike Weir.)
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The Merry Minuet
They are rioting in Africa, they're starving in Spain
There are hurricanes in Florida and Texas needs rain
The whole world is festering with unhappy souls
The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles
Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch
And we don't like anybody very much
But we can be thankful and tranquil and proud
Man's been endowed with a mushroom-shaped cloud
("Lllovely!" "Thank you.")
And we know for certain that some lovely day
Someone will set the spark off
("Smashing!" "Yes!")
And we will all be blown away
They are rioting in Africa, there's strife in Iran
What nature doesn't do to us
Will be done by our fellow man
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My Mary
Mary, Mary, Mary my beloved
My life's a love song since I found you
Mary, my beloved
My life's a love song since I found you
Mary, my beloved
Oh, Mary, my Mary, Oh Mary my beloved
Life's a love song since I found you
Mary my beloved
My love shines softly in the blue eyes of Mary my beloved
My love shines softly in the blue eyes of Mary my beloved
Oh, Mary, my Mary, Oh Mary my beloved
Life's a love song since I found you
Mary my beloved
The angels watch all our tomorrows
Mary, my beloved
The angel's watch all our tomorrows
And my Mary my beloved
Oh, Mary, my Mary, Oh Mary my beloved
Life's a love song since I found you
Mary my beloved
Mary, Mary, Mary my beloved
Noche de Ronda (Night Rounds)
Luna que se quiebra
sobre la tiniebla de mi soledad
a donde vas?
Dime, si esta noche
tu te vas de ronda, como ella se fue
con quien estas?
Dile que la quiero
dile que me muero de tanto esperar
que vuelva ya,
que las rondas no son buenas
que hacen dano, que dan penas
que se acaba por llorar
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Noche de Ronda (Night Rounds)
Luna que se quiebra
sobre la tiniebla de mi soledad
a donde vas?
Dime, si esta noche
tu te vas de ronda, como ella se fue
con quien estas?
Dile que la quiero
dile que me muero de tanto esperar
que vuelva ya,
que las rondas no son buenas
que hacen dano, que dan penas
que se acaba por llorar
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The Poet's Way
A Tribute To Travis Edmonson, by Tony Ray McKennon
His look was long and weary
And there were many years and many lines upon his face
They called him a poet
And many songs, his mind and words embraced
I wanted to go with him, to that special place
His eyes lit up, his smile was filled with an overwhelming grace
And he said
You've got to make them cry don't leave anything to chance
Hold them for a while with a song of sweet romance
Leave them with a smile and make those people dance
With those little silver notes . . . that's the poet's way
It's those little silver notes that make the angels sing
It's those little silver notes that give you all that life can bring
It's those little silver notes
His favorite thing in the morning
was sipping coffee, conversation with good things to say
He told me so many stories
Of love lost and found, and journeys along his way
He said, Do you really want to know
How your mind and spirit can fly away
Listen real close and you'll hear the notes that lead the way
You got to make them cry
don't leave any thing to chance
hold them for a while with a song of sweet romance
leave them with a smile and make those poeple dance
with those little silver notes . . . that's the poet's way
It's those little siver notes
That make the angels sing
It's those little silver notes
That give you all that life can bring
It's those little silver notes . . . that's the Poet's Way
Copyright 1996 Tony Ray McKennon
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Poor Boy
As I went down to the river, Poor Boy
Holdin' my love's hand
She said that we'd be married, Poor Boy
But she's gone with another man
Hang down your head and cry, Poor Boy
Hang down your head and cry
Stop thinkin' about that woman you love
Hang down your head and cry
He came at me with a big jack knife
I went at him with lead
And when the fight was over, Poor Boy
He lay beside me dead
They took me to the big jailhouse
And threw away the key
So when I see my love pass by
I cry, "Please wait for me."
Hang down your head and cry, Poor Boy
Hang down your head and cry
Stop thinkin' about that woman you love
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head and cry
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