Lyrics & Chords (Where Available)

Gimme Some 

Beer and whiskey, whiskey and beer
Makes your head start achin', makes your eyes unclear
Makes you spend your money, turns you blind and dumb
Gimme some

Strong tobacco, cigarette smoke
What a dirty habit, makes you damn near choke
Fills your lungs with poison, makes your brain go numb
Gimme some

Will I ever get smart? I doubt it
Tell me somethin's bad and I can't live without it

Pretty women, blue-eyed or brown
How they drive you crazy, how they pull you down
Soon they're fat and happy, you're a worn-out bum
Gimme some, gimme some

Bread and gravy, chicken chow mein
Too much fancy eatin' only brings you pain
Doctor says "Hold on, there! Not another crumb!"
Gimme some

Will I ever get smart? I doubt it
Tell me somethin's bad and I can't live without it

Dice and poker, blackjack and dice
Start to win a little, get to feelin' nice
Bet it all and roll 'em: "Snake eyes! Sorry, chum!"
Gimme some

Beer and whiskey, whiskey and beer
Makes your head start achin', makes your eyes unclear
Makes you spend your money, turns you blind and dumb
Gimme some
Gimme some
Gimme some


Gimme Some Gimme Some

South Coast

The South Coast, the wild coast is lonely
You might win at a game in Jolon
But the lion still rules the barrancas
And a man there is always alone

My name is Don Pedro de Cadro
The son of a Spanish grandee
But I won my wife in a card game
And to Hell with the Lords o'er the sea

I gambled my pay in a card game
I played with the inn keeper there
He staked all he'd lost on his daughter
I accepted, for what's fair is fair

I picked up the ace, I had won her
My heart, which was down at my feet
Jumped up to my throat in a hurry
Like a young summer day, she was sweet

The South Coast, the wild coast is lonely
You might win at a game in Jolon
But the lion still rules the barrancas
And a man there is always alone

He went to the door of the kitchen
And dragged the girl out with a curse
Sayin, "Take her, now, damn ya, you've won her
And she's yours now for better or worse."

Though I felt her arms tighten about me
As we rode through the hills to the South
Not a word did I hear from her that day
Not a kiss from her pretty red mouth

The South Coast, the wild coast is lonely
You might win at a game in Jolon
But the lion still rules the barrancas
And a man there is always alone

We soon reached my cabin at twilight
The stars twinkled out on the coast
She soon loved the valleys and orchards
But I knew she would love me the most

That winter I'll always remember
I carved on a cradle of pine
By the fire in our warm little cabin
I knew she would always be mine

The South Coast, the wild coast is lonely
You might win at a game in Jolon
But the lion still rules the barrancas
And a man there is always alone

And then I got hurt in a landslide
Imprisoned beneath the loose stone
She saddled our pony like lightening
And rode off in the night for Jolon

A lion screamed in the barrancas
The pony fell hard on the slide
My young wife lay dead in the moonlight
My heart died that night with my bride

The South Coast, the wild coast is lonely
You might win at a game in Jolon
But the lion still rules the barrancas
And a man there is always alone
And a man there is always alone 

Cielito Lindo Son Juasteco

De domingo a domingo te vengo a ver
Cuando sera domingo, cielito lindo, para volver?
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!

Yo bien quisiera
Que toda la semana, cielito lindo, domingo fuera,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!

Una flecha en el aire
Tiro Cupido
Que lanza tu nombre de mis recuerdos
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!

Yo bien quisiera
Que cuando sera domingo, cielito lindo, para volver,
Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay!

It Was A Very Good Year

When I was seventeen, it was a very good year
It was a very good year for small-town girls and soft summer nights
We'd hide from the lights, on the village green
When I was seventeen

When I was twenty-one, it was a very good year
It was a very good year for city girls who lived up the stairs
With perfumed hair that would come undone
When I was twenty-one

When I was thirty-five--very good year
It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls
Of independent means, we'd ride in limousines
Their cheuffers would drive
When I was thirty-five

And now the days grow short
I'm in the autumn of my life
And I think of it all as vintage wine from fine old kegs
From the brim to the dregs
It poured sweet and clear
It was a very good year

It was a very good year

Elijah Rock

Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!
Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!

Way back when the world was full of sin
(Elijah Rock--shout, shout!)
There was one good man, like there's always been
(Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!)
His name was Elijah and I heard it said
(Elijah Rock--shout, shout!)
He could heal the sick and raise the dead
(Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!)

Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!
Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!

Elijah told everybody to pray
To a God up in Heaven not a god of clay
Went to the rock and he cried his name
Told him what to do when the Judgement came

Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!
Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!

Prayed for the Lord to give him a sign
And the Rock cried out, "Well, it's Judgement time."
Lord spoke out with a tongue of flame
Sayin', "Hear, Elijah, and know my name."

Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!
Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!

Well, then the Lord told Elijah when his time had come
(Elijah Rock--shout, shout!)
Said he was a prophet for what he'd done
(Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!)
Rock cried out and said, "Shout, shout!"
Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!

Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!

Elijah Rock--shout, shout!
Said, Elijah Rock, comin' up, Lord!

Better Than Anything

Better than sailing at midnight
Better than diving for pearls
Better than skiing at Aspen
Better than chasing young girls
Better than finding a horseshoe
Better than losing your head
Better than anything thought of
Better than anything said

Better than singing right out loud
Or being spotted in a crowd
Better than anything--
Except being in love

Better than beer from a barrel
Better than wine from a keg
Better than ice cubes and bourbon
Better than two hollow legs
Better than double martinis
Better than vodka that's cold
Better than scotch with a chaser
Better than brandy that's old

Better than drinking from a flask
Or swilling cognac from a cask
Better than anything--
Except being in love

Better than dew on the meadow
Better than wind in the trees
Better than losing a headache
Better than finding your keys
Better than April in Paris
Better than Memphis in June
Better than champaigne for breakfast
Better than sleeping till noon

Better than turning off the phone
So just we two can be alone
Better than anything--
Except being in love
Being in love
Being in love

Amor De La Calle

(w/ English Translation)

Amor de la calle
Que vendes tus besos
Al cambio de honor
Aunque tu no quieras
Aunque tu lo extranes
En tarden llega

No olvides tu pena
Cantando y bailando
Fingiendo reir
Y el frio de la noche
Castiga tu alma
Y pierdes la fe.

Amor de la calle
Que buscando vas carino
Con tu carita pintada
Con tu carita pintada
Y el corazon herido.

Si tuvieras un carino
Un carino verdadero
Como iqual otras mujeres
Como iqual otras mujeres
Que me han mentido tanto.

Quando has bebido mucho
Vas llorando por la calle
Y si el mundo comprendiera
Pero no saben tu pena.

repeat verses 3, 5, 3.

Street Lover

Who sells your kisses
In exchange for honor.
Though you don't love them,
And you're a stranger to him
Who only appears in the afternoon.

You can't forget your grief
Singing and dancing
Feigning laughter.
And the night chill
Punishes your soul
And you lose your faith.

Who goes looking for affection
With your painted face,
Your painted face
And wounded heart

If only you had a sweetheart
A true love;
Like those other women,
Those other women
That have lied to me so much.

When you've had a lot to drink
You go crying through the street.
And if (only) everybody understood,
But they don't know your grief. 


Amor De Calle Amor De Calle

Golden Apples Of The Sun

I went into the hazel wood
Because a fire was in my head
I cut and peeled a hazel wand
And hooked a berry to a thread
And when white moths were on the wing
And moth-like stars were flickering out
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout
And when I layed it on the bank
And gone to blow the fire aflame
Then something rustled on the floor
And someone called me by my name
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossoms in her hair
Who called me by name and ran
And vanished in the brightening air

Though I am old from wandering
Through quiet lands and hilly lands
I will find out where she is gone
And hold her mouth, and take her hands
And walk through long green dappled grass
And pluck till time and time is done
The silver apples of the moon
The golden apples of the sun

How Long, How Long Blues

Baby how long? Baby how long?
Has that evening train been gone?
Baby how long? How long? Baby, how long?

I may be right, I may be wrong
But I know you're gonna miss me, momma, when I'm gone
So long, baby, so long

I'm gonna lay my head on some lonesome railroad line
And let the 219 pacify my mind

I've been disgusted, I've been so blue
I've been so lonesome thinkin' of you
Baby how long? How long? Baby, how long?
How long? Baby how long? How long?

"Something big, something clean!"  "Wash an elephant?"  "That's not what I had in mind!"

This website is a labor of love for Thomas P Straw and is dedicated to Mom and Dad. Copyright 2025. All Rights Reserved. Contact Me