Bud & Travis (Debut LP): 1959

Side One
Truly Do
Rayito De Luna
San Fernando
Bonsoir Dame (Good Night My Lady Love)
Malaguena Salerosa

Side Two
Delia's Gone
She Never Loved Me (Choucounne)
Florecita De Mi Cielo
They Call The Wind Mariah 
South Wind
Come To The Dance (Vamos Al Baile)

Lyrics & Chords (Where Available)


No lyrics or chords at this time.

Truly Do

Hey Baby, don't you cry
Hey Baby don't you pass me by
Remember the boy used to sing this song
When the summer nights were long?

I love you, truly do
I love you, truly do

Love you for your hair of brown
And the way you walk when you go downtown
I love you, truly do

Hey Lady, it's been a long, long time
Had that song on my mind
Travelled halfway 'round the world
Never found a prettier girl

I love you, truly do
I love you, truly do

Took my heart like a bluebird flyin'
I hear your name when the wind is sighin'
I love you, truly do

Rayito De Luna

(w/ English Translation)

Como rayito de luna
entre la selva dormida
asi la luz de tus ojos
ha iluminado mi pobre vida

Tu diste luz al sendero
de mis noches sin fortuna
iluminando mi cielo
como rayito claro de luna

Rayito de luna blanca
que iluminas mi camino
asi es tu amor en mi vida
la verdad y mi destino

(Repeat verse 2, then verse 1, then 3, then 2 again)

Ray Of Moonlight

Like a ray of moonlight
Through the sleeping jungle
The light of your eyes
Has lit up my sad life

You gave light to my terrible nights
Lighting my sky like a clear ray of moonlight

Ray of white moonlight
You light up my path
It's like your love in my life
The truth and my destiny

San Fernando

It's the last train to San Fernando
The last train to San Fernando
And if you miss this one
There'll never be another one
So let's bitty-bitty boom-boom
To San Fernando

Last night I met sweet Dorothy
Said, "Tomorrow I am joining in matrimony."
("Do it now, John!")
She said, "If you act right
You can take me out tonight
And we'll wine and dine but be back on time."

It's the last train to San Fernando
It's the last train to San Fernando
And if you miss this one
There'll never be another one
So let's bitty-bitty boom-boom
To San Fernando

Said, "I'm marrying right into society
Be careful of the place you are taking me
Because if you slip, I'll slide
And I'll never get to be a bride."
And we'll bitty-bitty boom-boom to San Fernando
("What is this?")

It's the last train to San Fernando
Last train to San Fernando
And if you miss this one
There'll never be another one
So let's bitty-bitty boom-boom
To San Fernando

("Sing it, Keely!")
Diplomatically, I asked Dorothy to dance
("How else?")
There was nothing on my mind but romance
I said to myself, "Oooh boy
Better beat this iron while it's hot."
And we'll bitty-bitty boom-boom to San Fernando

It's the last train to San Fernando
Last train to San Fernando
And if you miss this one
There'll never be another one
So let's bitty-bitty boom-boom
To San Fernando

It's the last train to San Fernando
The last train to San Fernando

Let's bitty-bitty boom-boom to San Fernando!


One of the typical B&T slap strums is employed here - same as Delia's Gone, Myra, Angelico, Gimme Some, La Bamba, and a host of others. To get the proper B & T effect, whenever an E chord is shown, the E chord should alternate with an E6 chord every other 16th note. Attached is a four bar B&T type slap strum illustrating what I mean. Often when employing the slapstrum, Bud would use one type, while Travis would use another, to complement each other.

Listen to an example of the slap strum (167k).

San Fernando San Fernando

Bonsoir Dame (Good Night My Lady Love)

In a green wood close to our village
A quiet pool lies still and deep
The evening sounds and forest birds
Have gently lulled my love to sleep

Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
(Good Evening Dear, My Dear, go to sleep)
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
(Good Evening Dear, My Dear, go to sleep)
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
(Good Evening Dear, My Dear, go to sleep)
Bonsoir Dame, Madame, Fais dodo
(Good Evening Dear, My Dear, go to sleep)

Sing softly birds and don't awake her
She doesn't know how my heart aches
I've never dared to say "I love you"
I'll tell her now, before she wakes


Her pretty mouth is warm and smiling
She lies dreaming peacefully
I'd give my life to know for certain
That she would someday dream of me


Fais dodo, petite fille
(Go to sleep, little lady)
Smile for me, dream of me

It seems a pity now to wake her
I'd rather stay here and pretend
If we could only stay forever
Then our dreams would never end



Explained by Michael Busam

The changes to "Bonsoir Dame" are pretty "simple," but simple only in the sense that the chords are, for the most part, in the repertoire or within reach of most beginning guitarists. The verses are D-A-D-A, and the refrain is D-A-D-E7th-A-D. The nice little dreamy interlude runs Bm, Bflat, A, Bflat, A.

They seem to play the "interlude" with what I've always thought of as "short" chords, or simple barre chords. The Bm, for example: "barre" the first three strings on the seventh fret; place your ring finger on the fourth string, ninth fret. Slide up to the B-flat: ring finger goes up one fret to the eighth (this provides some of the "slidy" sounds you hear on the recording, and adds, I think, to the aforementioned "dreamy" feel); middle finger on third string, seventh fret; index finger barres the first two strings, sixth fret. Hold your fingers in the same pattern and slide it all up one fret, and you have an A chord; slide it back down a fret and you're back to B-flat, then back to A. Finally, you're back in the verse, but en medias res, so to speak: play A-D-A, rather than the full D-A-D-A.

To capture the feel of the piece you need to mimic the bass. This can be done while simultaneously playing the D and A chords, thus staying true to the rhythm of the song. While playing the D and A chords, use your pinky to play a note on the third string, fourth fret to replicate the bass line.

If you have a guitar handy, give it a shot--you'll hear the basic bass line. Now, "double" the time, so that you're playing the bass line--dum, dah, dah, dum--but working the rest of the D chord simultaneously. This is really much, much easier than it sounds!

A final note: I waffle between an E7th and Em chord in the refrain. Both strike me as possible, but I keep changing my mind!

Tom and I highly recommend playing "Bonsoir Dame" as an exercise; it really sharpens one's appreciation for the music when you sit down and try to figure what makes these "simple" little gems shine. You can really appreciate the little things that add up to the whole: a very beautiful song.

Also here transcribed by Mike Pumphrey.

Alan and I always performed this in "E" because it sounded better to us with no gitarron to add the bass. B&T performed it in "D." It could be done in drop D tuning to get the bass note but the barre chords wouldn't work out too well. I've only included the first verse, chorus and bridge. All verse chords are the same.

Bonsoir Dame

Malaguena Salerosa

(w/ English Translation)

Que bonitos ojos tienes
debajo de esas dos cejas (2x)
Que bonitos ojos tienes

Ellos me quieren mirar
pero si tu no los dejas (2x)
ni siquiera parpadear

Malaguena Salerosa
besar tus labios quisiera (2x)
Malaguena Salerosa
y decirte nina hermosa
que eres linda y hechisera (2x)
como el candor de una rosa (2x)

(Last stanza repeated three times, with varying repitition of lines, then end.)

Malaguena Salerosa

What beautiful eyes you have
Underneath your lovely brow (2x)
What beautiful eyes you have

They want to look at me
But you won't let them, you never let them (2x)
Not even a glance

Malaguena Salerosa
I desire so much to kiss your lips (2x)
Malaguena Salerosa
And to call you a beautiful girl
You are as pretty and as enchanting (2x)
As the innocence of a rose

(Last stanza repeated three times, with varying repitition of lines, then end.)


Malaguena Salerosa

Delia's Gone

Delia's gone, Delia's gone, Delia's gone
One more round
Delia's gone

Now Delia cursed Tony
On a Sare-day night
("What'd she say, Daddy?")
Cursed him such a wicked curse
That he swear he'll take her life

Delia's gone, Delia's gone, Delia's gone
One more round
Delia's gone

First time he shot her, shot her right beside
Second time he shot her, Lord, she gave up the ghost and died

Delia's gone, Delia's gone, Delia's gone
One more round
Delia's gone

Tony is a-drinkin' from a prison cup
And Delia, she is lyin' in the grave doin' level-best to get up

Delia's gone, Delia's gone, Delia's gone
One more round
Delia's gone

"Jailer," Tony said, "Jailer, how can I sleep?
When all along my bedside I can hear poor Delia speak?"

Delia's gone, Delia's gone, Delia's gone
One more round
Delia's gone

Some gave her a nickel ("I did!"), some gave her a dime
("Some gave her green stamps!")
I didn't give her one red cent
'Cuz she weren't no friend of mine

Delia's gone, Delia's gone, Delia's gone
One more round
Delia's gone

"Sixty years?" Said Tony, "That ain't no time!
My brother's in the penitentiary doin' nine hundred ninety and nine!"

Delia's gone, Delia's gone, Delia's gone
One more round
Delia's gone

She Never Loved Me (Choucounne)

No lyrics or chords at this time.

Florecita De Mi Cielo

(w/ English Summary)

If you'd like to take a stab at a more word-for-word translation of this song, drop me a line.

La tierra es por ti jardin celestial donde una flor
nacio para ser estrella vez de perfume y luz
de luz virginal que da tu ninez porque un amor
le hizo nacer que alumbra esa flor y que eres tu.

Luna no esta bien y vive mas por ti mi paraguayita
y engendra un que enciende in mi llamas de ilusion
de dulce ilusion que con su candor al arullo encita
y que hace reinar en el cielo azul de mi corazon.

(The song is full of metaphors. Essentially, the singer says that earth is like heaven to him because of her. She is like a flower that perfumes and
brightens up the world. He also compares her to the moon, which encites flames of passion, making her the queen of his heart.)

(Very special thanks to Bill Worsfold for the lyric and translation.)

They Call The Wind Mariah

Way out here they've got a name
For wind and rain and fire
The rain is Tess, the fire's Joe
And they call the wind Mariah

Mariah blows the stars around
Sends the clouds a-flyin'
Mariah makes the mountain sound
Like folks was up there dyin'

Mariah, Mariah
They call the wind Mariah

Before I knew Mariah's name
And heard her wailin', whinin'
I had a girl and she had me
And the sun was always shinin'

Then one day I left my girl
Left her far behind me
Now I'm so lost, so goldurn lost
Not even God can find me

Mariah, Mariah
They call the wind Mariah

Out here they've got a name for rain
Wind and fire only
But when you're lost and all alone
There ain't no name for lonely

And I'm a lost and lonely man
Without a star to guide me
Mariah, blow my love to me
I need her here beside me

Mariah, Mariah
They call the wind Mariah

South Wind

Well I know, I don't have to be told
That this North Wind is chilly and cold
Well I know

Far from the South Wind I ran
Now I'm a lost and lonely man
Well I know

I had a little girl but she left me
I had a little girl but she left me
I had a little girl but she left me
Well I know

She took the sun and left me the rain
Left me the sorrow and all of the pain
Well I know
She took my love and left me torn
Now I'm lonely and forlorn
Well I know

All that I love a-done left me
All that I love a-done left me
All that I love a-done left me
Well I know

She told me some day she'd return
If the sun should freeze or the earth should burn
Well I know
But now she's gone and in the sky
The wind alone can hear me cry
Well I know

Come To The Dance (Vamos Al Baile)

(w/ English Translation)

Vamos al baile, veras que bonito
Donde se alumbran con veinte linternas
Donde se bailan las danzas modernas
Donde se bailan de mucho vacilon

Y quiereme Jesusita, y quiereme por favor
dile que soy amante
y sequire un servidor

Lips as sweet as cherry wine
The prettiest girl at the dance is mine
The prettiest girl is mine!

Come to the dance, let us go there, my lovely
Where twenty lanterns are burning so brightly
Where all the dancers are dancing so lightly
Come let us sway to the rythm of the dance!

So pick me Jesusita
And dance with only me
You know, dear, that I love you
It's your turn to dance with me

Lips as sweet as cherry wine
The prettiest girl at the dance is mine
The prettiest girl is mine!

Vamos al baile, veras que bonito
Donde se alumbran con veinte linternas
Donde las ninas ensenan sus piernas
Donde se bailan de mucho vacilon

Y quiereme Jesusita, y quiereme por favor
dile que soy amante
y sequire un servidor


Lips as sweet as cherry wine
The prettiest girl at the dance is mine
The prettiest girl is mine!

Come To The Dance

Come to the dance, you'll see how lovely it is
Where all is lit with twenty lanterns
Where they do all the newest dances
And where they dance with so much spirit!

Love me Jesusita, please love me
Tell them I'm your lover
And I will be a servant to you

Lips as sweet as cherry wine
The prettiest girl at the dance is mine
The prettiest girl is mine!

Come to the dance, let us go there, my lovely
Where twenty lanterns are burning so brightly
Where all the dancers are dancing so lightly
Come let us sway to the rythm of the dance!

So pick me Jesusita
And dance with only me
You know, dear, that I love you
It's your turn to dance with me

Lips as sweet as cherry wine
The prettiest girl at the dance is mine
The prettiest girl is mine!

Come to the dance, you will see how lovely it is
Where all is lit with twenty lanterns
Where all the girls show off their legs
Where they dance with so much spirit!

Love me Jesusita, please love me
Tell them I'm your lover
And I will be a servant to you

(indiscernible )

Lips as sweet as cherry wine
The prettiest girl at the dance is mine
The prettiest girl is mine!

This website is a labor of love for Thomas P Straw and is dedicated to Mom and Dad. Copyright 2020. All Rights Reserved. Contact Me.